I’ve been a lover of big tits my whole life. There’s nothing I like more than a nice big pair of tits right in my face. That’s why I was very excited to learn about this escort site. They have all the sexy busty escorts that I could have ever imagined. All of them so sexy and always ready for a good time. That’s what makes them different than the rest. It’s more than just a nice pair of tits. It’s the way the treat me. I’m always a happy customer when I order their services.
Do we need to talk about girlfriends and wives? Girlfriends occasionally give you what you’re after. We’re talking about in the bedroom. Wives, they never do. The minute you get married that part of your life is over. You might as well plan on gaining a bunch of weight and forget about fun in the bedroom. It just doesn’t happen. Every married guy thinks he’s always going to get what he wants. It never happens though. That’s why girlfriends give it up so easily. It’s so they can trap you.
All you and I want is a good time. I know some people will say that sounds rude or whatever. But, it’s the truth. That’s just what we want. Some fun in the sack and that’s it. Most women don’t understand that. They equate sex with love. You have to be in love to get what you want. That’s not the way these girls operate. They simply know you want to have a good time. There’s nothing else left to say to them. You don’t have to call them the next day. Though, you may want to. Only if you’re looking to hook up again with them. Otherwise, you’ll never have to call them again.
Variety is the spice of life. With a girlfriend or wife you just get one woman in the sack. She is the only woman that you’ll ever have in between the sheets. That gets kind of boring. Who wants to always be with the same woman? That’s something else women don’t want to hear. We like to mix it up sometimes. The same person in the sack gets boring after awhile. Sometimes you just need to spice things up!
There’s always plenty of girls available. That’s what I like the most. I can always find a different sexy girl. I don’t have to settle for the same one every day. What happens if I’m in the mood for a blonde or an Asian? All I have to do is pick the one I want. I like big tits. But, every now and then an Asian will catch my eye. She might not have the biggest tits in the world. But, that’s what I’m craving. So, I place an order and get her.
In a nutshell this is why I love escorts. Especially those with big tits. Take a look around and you’ll see why I’m so enthusiastic about them. You will be too after your first visit. Who knows, you might even start your own blog about escorts.